Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
ed Namespace Reference




struct  ConvexHull
struct  ConvexHull2D
struct  ConvexHull2DWithIndices
class  Entity
class  ErrorContext
struct  ErrorContextData
class  EventClock
class  FloodfillSM
class  IArchive
class  ImageMask
struct  InitData
class  LoopUsageStatus
class  Measurement
struct  MeasurementConvexHull
class  ModelNotFoundException
class  OArchive
class  Plugin
class  PluginContainer
struct  PluginInput
class  Probe
class  ProbeClient
class  ProbeROS
struct  Property
class  PropertyInfo
struct  PropertyKey
class  PropertyKeyDB
struct  PropertyKeyDBEntry
class  Relation
struct  RGBDData
class  SampleRenderResult
struct  SearchNode
class  Server
struct  Snapshot
 The Snapshot struct, of a camera image taken at a single point in time. More...
class  SnapshotCrawler
class  Time
class  TimeCache
class  TransformCache
struct  TypeWrapper
struct  TypeWrapper< const T & >
struct  TypeWrapper< const T >
struct  TypeWrapper< T & >
class  UpdateRequest
class  UUID
class  Variant
class  WorldModel


typedef shared_ptr< const EntityEntityConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< EntityEntityPtr
typedef uint64_t Idx
typedef std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point2i > > IndexMap
typedef shared_ptr< const MeasurementMeasurementConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< MeasurementMeasurementPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const PerceptionModule > PerceptionModuleConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PerceptionModule > PerceptionModulePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const PluginPluginConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const PluginContainerPluginContainerConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PluginContainerPluginContainerPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PluginPluginPtr
typedef std::vector< int > PointCloudMask
typedef pcl::IndicesConstPtr PointCloudMaskConstPtr
typedef pcl::IndicesPtr PointCloudMaskPtr
typedef std::vector< std::vector< int > > PointCloudToPixelsMapping
typedef shared_ptr< const RelationRelationConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RelationRelationPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RGBDALModule > RGBDALModuleConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RGBDALModule > RGBDALModulePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RGBDSegModule > RGBDSegModuleConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RGBDSegModule > RGBDSegModulePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const SensorModule > SensorModuleConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< SensorModule > SensorModulePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const tf2_ros::Buffer > TFBufferConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< tf2_ros::Buffer > TFBufferPtr
typedef std::string TYPE
typedef shared_ptr< const UpdateRequestUpdateRequestConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< UpdateRequestUpdateRequestPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const WorldModelWorldModelConstPtr
typedef shared_ptr< WorldModelWorldModelPtr


enum  ShowVolumes


float clamp (float x, float a, float b)
void convert (const ed::Entity &e, ed_msgs::EntityInfo &msg)
void convert (const geo::ShapeConstPtr shape, ed_msgs::SubVolume &sub_Volume)
bool deserialize (ed::io::Reader &r, ConvexHull &ch)
bool deserialize (ed::io::Reader &r, geo::Pose3D &pose)
bool deserialize (ed::io::Reader &r, geo::Shape &s)
bool deserialize (io::Reader &r, UpdateRequest &req)
bool deserialize (tue::config::Reader &r, const std::string &group, geo::Pose3D &pose)
bool deserialize (tue::config::Reader &r, const std::string &group, geo::Shape &s)
bool deserialize (tue::config::Reader &r, const std::string &group, geo::Vec3 &p)
bool deserialize (tue::serialization::InputArchive &m, ImageMask &mask)
bool deserializeTimestamp (ed::io::Reader &r, double &time)
unsigned int djb2 (const std::string &str)
void interpolate (const geo::Transform &t1, const geo::Transform &t2, float alpha, geo::Pose3D &result)
ed::WorldModelPtr loadWorldModel (const std::string &model_name)
bool read (const std::string &filename, Measurement &msr)
bool readEntity (const std::string &filename, UpdateRequest &req)
bool readImage (const std::string &filename, rgbd::ImagePtr &image, geo::Pose3D &sensor_pose)
void renderMesh (const geo::DepthCamera &cam, const geo::Pose3D &pose, const geo::Mesh &mesh, const cv::Vec3b &color, SampleRenderResult &res, bool flatten=false)
bool renderWorldModel (const ed::WorldModel &world_model, const enum ShowVolumes show_volumes, const geo::DepthCamera &cam, const geo::Pose3D &cam_pose_inv, cv::Mat &depth_image, cv::Mat &image, bool flatten=false)
void serialize (const ConvexHull &ch, ed::io::Writer &w)
void serialize (const geo::Pose3D &pose, ed::io::Writer &w)
void serialize (const geo::Shape &s, ed::io::Writer &w)
void serialize (const ImageMask &mask, tue::serialization::OutputArchive &m)
void serializeTimestamp (double time, ed::io::Writer &w)
geo::Quaternion slerp (const geo::Quaternion &v0, const geo::Quaternion &v1, float alpha)
bool write (const std::string &filename, const Entity &e)
bool write (const std::string &filename, const Measurement &msr)


float COLORS [27][3]
static const Idx INVALID_IDX
const static PointCloudMask NO_MASK (1, -1)

Function Documentation

◆ loadWorldModel()

ed::WorldModelPtr ed::loadWorldModel ( const std::string model_name)

Load a worldmodel from file using its name.

[in]model_namename of the worldmodel
[out]world_modelworldmodel to write to
bool whether model is successfully loaded

Definition at line 115 of file snapshot.h.

◆ readImage()

bool ed::readImage ( const std::string filename,
rgbd::ImagePtr image,
geo::Pose3D sensor_pose 

read an rgbd image from file

[in]filenamename of the json file that describes the image
[out]imageimage to write to
[out]sensor_posepose to write to
bool whether image was successfully loaded

Definition at line 61 of file snapshot.h.