Classes | Namespaces | Functions
frames.hpp File Reference
#include "utilities/kdl-config.h"
#include "utilities/utility.h"
#include "utilities/hash_combine.h"
#include <functional>
#include "frames.inl"
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class  KDL::Frame
 represents a frame transformation in 3D space (rotation + translation) More...
class  KDL::Frame2
struct  std::hash< KDL::Frame >
struct  std::hash< KDL::Frame2 >
struct  std::hash< KDL::Rotation >
struct  std::hash< KDL::Rotation2 >
struct  std::hash< KDL::Twist >
struct  std::hash< KDL::Vector >
struct  std::hash< KDL::Vector2 >
struct  std::hash< KDL::Wrench >
class  KDL::Rotation
 represents rotations in 3 dimensional space. More...
class  KDL::Rotation2
class  KDL::Twist
 represents both translational and rotational velocities. More...
class  KDL::Vector
 A concrete implementation of a 3 dimensional vector class. More...
class  KDL::Vector2
 2D version of Vector More...
class  KDL::Wrench
 represents both translational and rotational acceleration. More...




IMETHOD Frame KDL::addDelta (const Frame &F_w_a, const Twist &da_w, double dt=1)
IMETHOD Rotation KDL::addDelta (const Rotation &R_w_a, const Vector &da_w, double dt=1)
IMETHOD Twist KDL::addDelta (const Twist &a, const Twist &da, double dt=1)
 adds the twist da to the twist a. see also the corresponding diff() routine. More...
IMETHOD Vector KDL::addDelta (const Vector &p_w_a, const Vector &p_w_da, double dt=1)
 adds vector da to vector a. see also the corresponding diff() routine. More...
IMETHOD Wrench KDL::addDelta (const Wrench &a, const Wrench &da, double dt=1)
 adds the wrench da to the wrench w. see also the corresponding diff() routine. see also the corresponding diff() routine. More...
IMETHOD Twist KDL::diff (const Frame &F_a_b1, const Frame &F_a_b2, double dt=1)
IMETHOD Vector KDL::diff (const Rotation &R_a_b1, const Rotation &R_a_b2, double dt=1)
IMETHOD Twist KDL::diff (const Twist &a, const Twist &b, double dt=1)
IMETHOD Vector KDL::diff (const Vector &p_w_a, const Vector &p_w_b, double dt=1)
IMETHOD Wrench KDL::diff (const Wrench &W_a_p1, const Wrench &W_a_p2, double dt=1)
bool KDL::Equal (const Frame &a, const Frame &b, double eps=epsilon)
bool KDL::Equal (const Frame2 &a, const Frame2 &b, double eps=epsilon)
bool KDL::Equal (const Rotation &a, const Rotation &b, double eps)
bool KDL::Equal (const Rotation2 &a, const Rotation2 &b, double eps=epsilon)
bool KDL::Equal (const Twist &a, const Twist &b, double eps=epsilon)
bool KDL::Equal (const Vector &a, const Vector &b, double eps=epsilon)
bool KDL::Equal (const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b, double eps=epsilon)
bool KDL::Equal (const Wrench &a, const Wrench &b, double eps=epsilon)
bool KDL::operator== (const Rotation &a, const Rotation &b)

Detailed Description

Efficienty can be improved by writing p2 = A*(B*(C*p1))) instead of p2=A*B*C*p1
*      A naming convention of objects of the type defined in this file :
*          (1) Frame : F...
*              Rotation : R ...
*          (2) Twist    : T ...
*              Wrench   : W ...
*              Vector   : V ...
*      This prefix is followed by :
*      for category (1) :
*          F_A_B : w.r.t. frame A, frame B expressed
*          ( each column of F_A_B corresponds to an axis of B,
*            expressed w.r.t. frame A )
*          in mathematical convention :
*                   A
*         F_A_B ==    F
*                   B
*      for category (2) :
*          V_B   : a vector expressed w.r.t. frame B
*      This can also be prepended by a name :
*          e.g. : temporaryV_B
*      With this convention one can write :
*      F_A_B = F_B_A.Inverse();
*      F_A_C = F_A_B * F_B_C;
*      V_B   = F_B_C * V_C;    // both translation and rotation
*      V_B   = R_B_C * V_C;    // only rotation
*       world : represents the frame ([1 0 0,0 1 0,0 0 1],[0 0 0]')
*       mp    : represents mounting plate of a robot
*               (i.e. everything before MP is constructed by robot manufacturer
*                    everything after MP is tool )
*       tf    : represents task frame of a robot
*               (i.e. frame in which motion and force control is expressed)
*       sf    : represents sensor frame of a robot
*               (i.e. frame at which the forces measured by the force sensor
*               are expressed )
*          Frame F_world_mp=...;
*          Frame F_mp_sf(..)
*          Frame F_mp_tf(,.)
*          Wrench are measured in sensor frame SF, so one could write :
*                Wrench_tf = F_mp_tf.Inverse()* ( F_mp_sf * Wrench_sf );
Any consistent series of units can be used, e.g. N,mm,Nmm,..mm/sec
Twist and Wrench transformations
3 different types of transformations do exist for the twists and wrenches.
*      1) Frame * Twist or Frame * Wrench :
*              this transforms both the velocity/force reference point
*             and the basis to which the twist/wrench are expressed.
*      2) Rotation * Twist or Rotation * Wrench :
*              this transforms the basis to which the twist/wrench are
*              expressed, but leaves the reference point intact.
*      3) Twist.RefPoint(v_base_AB) or Wrench.RefPoint(v_base_AB)
*              this transforms only the reference point. v is expressed
*              in the same base as the twist/wrench and points from the
*              old reference point to the new reference point.
Spatial cross products
Let m be a 6D motion vector (Twist) and f be a 6D force vector (Wrench) attached to a rigid body moving with a certain velocity v (Twist). Then
*     1) m_dot = v cross m or Twist=Twist*Twist
*     2) f_dot = v cross f or Wrench=Twist*Wrench
Sometimes the amount of work is given in the documentation e.g. 6M+3A means 6 multiplications and 3 additions.
Erwin Aertbelien, Div. PMA, Dep. of Mech. Eng., K.U.Leuven

Definition in file frames.hpp.