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78 bool is_local_goal_function =
double getCellCosts(unsigned int cx, unsigned int cy)
double unreachableCellCosts()
std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > target_poses_
double unreachableCellCosts()
costmap_2d::Costmap2D * costmap_
double scoreTrajectory(Trajectory &traj)
Provides an interface for critics of trajectories During each sampling run, a batch of many trajector...
void setTargetPoses(std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > target_poses)
CostAggregationType aggregationType_
MapGridCostFunction(costmap_2d::Costmap2D *costmap, double xshift=0.0, double yshift=0.0, bool is_local_goal_function=false, CostAggregationType aggregationType=Last)
A grid of MapCell cells that is used to propagate path and goal distances for the trajectory controll...
bool is_local_goal_function_
base_local_planner::MapGrid map_
void setStopOnFailure(bool stop_on_failure)
If true, failures along the path cause the entire path to be rejected.
double xshift_
xshift and yshift allow scoring for different
void setXShift(double xshift)
void setYShift(double yshift)