43 #include <angles/angles.h>
47 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
49 #include <ros/console.h>
53 #include <tf2/LinearMath/Matrix3x3.h>
54 #include <tf2/utils.h>
61 void TrajectoryPlanner::reconfigure(BaseLocalPlannerConfig &cfg)
63 BaseLocalPlannerConfig config(cfg);
65 boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(configuration_mutex_);
67 acc_lim_x_ = config.acc_lim_x;
68 acc_lim_y_ = config.acc_lim_y;
69 acc_lim_theta_ = config.acc_lim_theta;
71 max_vel_x_ = config.max_vel_x;
72 min_vel_x_ = config.min_vel_x;
74 max_vel_th_ = config.max_vel_theta;
75 min_vel_th_ = config.min_vel_theta;
76 min_in_place_vel_th_ = config.min_in_place_vel_theta;
78 sim_time_ = config.sim_time;
79 sim_granularity_ = config.sim_granularity;
80 angular_sim_granularity_ = config.angular_sim_granularity;
82 path_distance_bias_ = config.path_distance_bias;
83 goal_distance_bias_ = config.goal_distance_bias;
84 occdist_scale_ = config.occdist_scale;
88 double resolution = costmap_.getResolution();
89 goal_distance_bias_ *= resolution;
90 path_distance_bias_ *= resolution;
93 oscillation_reset_dist_ = config.oscillation_reset_dist;
94 escape_reset_dist_ = config.escape_reset_dist;
95 escape_reset_theta_ = config.escape_reset_theta;
97 vx_samples_ = config.vx_samples;
98 vtheta_samples_ = config.vtheta_samples;
100 if (vx_samples_ <= 0) {
101 config.vx_samples = 1;
102 vx_samples_ = config.vx_samples;
"You've specified that you don't want any samples in the x dimension. We'll at least assume that you want to sample one value... so we're going to set vx_samples to 1 instead");
105 if(vtheta_samples_ <= 0) {
106 config.vtheta_samples = 1;
107 vtheta_samples_ = config.vtheta_samples;
"You've specified that you don't want any samples in the theta dimension. We'll at least assume that you want to sample one value... so we're going to set vtheta_samples to 1 instead");
111 heading_lookahead_ = config.heading_lookahead;
113 holonomic_robot_ = config.holonomic_robot;
115 backup_vel_ = config.escape_vel;
119 heading_scoring_ = config.heading_scoring;
120 heading_scoring_timestep_ = config.heading_scoring_timestep;
122 simple_attractor_ = config.simple_attractor;
125 string y_string = config.y_vels;
127 boost::split(y_strs, y_string, boost::is_any_of(
", "), boost::token_compress_on);
142 TrajectoryPlanner::TrajectoryPlanner(
WorldModel& world_model,
145 double acc_lim_x,
double acc_lim_y,
double acc_lim_theta,
146 double sim_time,
double sim_granularity,
147 int vx_samples,
int vtheta_samples,
148 double path_distance_bias,
double goal_distance_bias,
double occdist_scale,
149 double heading_lookahead,
double oscillation_reset_dist,
150 double escape_reset_dist,
double escape_reset_theta,
151 bool holonomic_robot,
152 double max_vel_x,
double min_vel_x,
153 double max_vel_th,
double min_vel_th,
double min_in_place_vel_th,
155 bool dwa,
bool heading_scoring,
double heading_scoring_timestep,
bool meter_scoring,
bool simple_attractor,
156 vector<double> y_vels,
double stop_time_buffer,
double sim_period,
double angular_sim_granularity)
157 : path_map_(costmap.getSizeInCellsX(), costmap.getSizeInCellsY()),
158 goal_map_(costmap.getSizeInCellsX(), costmap.getSizeInCellsY()),
160 world_model_(world_model), footprint_spec_(footprint_spec),
161 sim_time_(sim_time), sim_granularity_(sim_granularity), angular_sim_granularity_(angular_sim_granularity),
162 vx_samples_(vx_samples), vtheta_samples_(vtheta_samples),
163 path_distance_bias_(path_distance_bias), goal_distance_bias_(goal_distance_bias), occdist_scale_(occdist_scale),
164 acc_lim_x_(acc_lim_x), acc_lim_y_(acc_lim_y), acc_lim_theta_(acc_lim_theta),
165 prev_x_(0), prev_y_(0), escape_x_(0), escape_y_(0), escape_theta_(0), heading_lookahead_(heading_lookahead),
166 oscillation_reset_dist_(oscillation_reset_dist), escape_reset_dist_(escape_reset_dist),
167 escape_reset_theta_(escape_reset_theta), holonomic_robot_(holonomic_robot),
168 max_vel_x_(max_vel_x), min_vel_x_(min_vel_x),
169 max_vel_th_(max_vel_th), min_vel_th_(min_vel_th), min_in_place_vel_th_(min_in_place_vel_th),
170 backup_vel_(backup_vel),
171 dwa_(dwa), heading_scoring_(heading_scoring), heading_scoring_timestep_(heading_scoring_timestep),
172 simple_attractor_(simple_attractor), y_vels_(y_vels), stop_time_buffer_(stop_time_buffer), sim_period_(sim_period)
215 double x,
double y,
double theta,
216 double vx,
double vy,
double vtheta,
217 double vx_samp,
double vy_samp,
double vtheta_samp,
218 double acc_x,
double acc_y,
double acc_theta,
219 double impossible_cost,
227 double theta_i = theta;
229 double vx_i, vy_i, vtheta_i;
236 double vmag =
hypot(vx_samp, vy_samp);
262 double path_dist = 0.0;
263 double goal_dist = 0.0;
264 double occ_cost = 0.0;
265 double heading_diff = 0.0;
267 for(
int i = 0; i < num_steps; ++i){
269 unsigned int cell_x, cell_y;
281 if(footprint_cost < 0){
317 bool update_path_and_goal_distances =
323 heading_diff =
headingDiff(cell_x, cell_y, x_i, y_i, theta_i);
325 update_path_and_goal_distances =
329 if (update_path_and_goal_distances) {
331 path_dist =
path_map_(cell_x, cell_y).target_dist;
332 goal_dist =
goal_map_(cell_x, cell_y).target_dist;
335 if(impossible_cost <= goal_dist || impossible_cost <= path_dist){
373 unsigned int goal_cell_x, goal_cell_y;
378 if (
lineCost(cell_x, goal_cell_x, cell_y, goal_cell_y) >= 0) {
381 return fabs(angles::shortest_angular_distance(heading,
atan2(gy - y, gx - x)));
392 int deltax = abs(x1 - x0);
393 int deltay = abs(y1 - y0);
397 int xinc1, xinc2, yinc1, yinc2;
398 int den, num, numadd, numpixels;
400 double line_cost = 0.0;
401 double point_cost = -1.0;
425 if (deltax >= deltay)
442 for (
int curpixel = 0; curpixel <= numpixels; curpixel++) {
445 if (point_cost < 0) {
449 if (line_cost < point_cost) {
450 line_cost = point_cost;
478 for(
unsigned int i = 0; i < new_plan.
size(); ++i){
"Path/Goal distance computed");
504 double vtheta,
double vx_samp,
double vy_samp,
double vtheta_samp){
507 double cost =
scoreTrajectory(x, y, theta, vx, vy, vtheta, vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp);
"Invalid Trajectory %f, %f, %f, cost: %f", vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp, cost);
520 double vtheta,
double vx_samp,
double vy_samp,
double vtheta_samp) {
525 vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp,
530 return double( t.
cost_ );
537 double vx,
double vy,
double vtheta,
538 double acc_x,
double acc_y,
double acc_theta) {
541 double min_vel_x, min_vel_theta;
545 max_vel_x =
min( max_vel_x, final_goal_dist /
sim_time_ );
565 double dvx = (max_vel_x - min_vel_x) / (
vx_samples_ - 1);
566 double dvtheta = (max_vel_theta - min_vel_theta) / (
vtheta_samples_ - 1);
568 double vx_samp = min_vel_x;
569 double vtheta_samp = min_vel_theta;
570 double vy_samp = 0.0;
574 best_traj->
cost_ = -1.0;
577 comp_traj->
cost_ = -1.0;
591 acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, *comp_traj);
596 best_traj = comp_traj;
600 vtheta_samp = min_vel_theta;
604 acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, *comp_traj);
609 best_traj = comp_traj;
612 vtheta_samp += dvtheta;
624 acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, *comp_traj);
629 best_traj = comp_traj;
637 acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, *comp_traj);
642 best_traj = comp_traj;
649 vtheta_samp = min_vel_theta;
661 generateTrajectory(x, y, theta, vx, vy, vtheta, vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp_limited,
662 acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, *comp_traj);
666 if(comp_traj->
cost_ >= 0
667 && (comp_traj->
cost_ <= best_traj->
cost_ || best_traj->
cost_ < 0 || best_traj->
yv_ != 0.0)
668 && (vtheta_samp > dvtheta || vtheta_samp < -1 * dvtheta)){
669 double x_r, y_r, th_r;
673 unsigned int cell_x, cell_y;
677 double ahead_gdist =
goal_map_(cell_x, cell_y).target_dist;
678 if (ahead_gdist < heading_dist) {
682 best_traj = comp_traj;
684 heading_dist = ahead_gdist;
689 best_traj = comp_traj;
691 heading_dist = ahead_gdist;
697 vtheta_samp += dvtheta;
701 if (best_traj->
cost_ >= 0) {
703 if ( ! (best_traj->
xv_ > 0)) {
709 }
else if (best_traj->
thetav_ > 0) {
714 }
else if(best_traj->
yv_ > 0) {
719 }
else if(best_traj->
yv_ < 0){
755 vtheta_samp = min_vel_theta;
764 acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, *comp_traj);
768 double x_r, y_r, th_r;
772 unsigned int cell_x, cell_y;
776 double ahead_gdist =
goal_map_(cell_x, cell_y).target_dist;
777 if (ahead_gdist < heading_dist) {
781 best_traj = comp_traj;
783 heading_dist = ahead_gdist;
788 best_traj = comp_traj;
790 heading_dist = ahead_gdist;
799 if (best_traj->
cost_ >= 0) {
800 if (!(best_traj->
xv_ > 0)) {
806 }
else if(best_traj->
thetav_ > 0) {
811 }
else if(best_traj->
yv_ > 0) {
816 }
else if(best_traj->
yv_ < 0) {
854 acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, *comp_traj);
867 best_traj = comp_traj;
899 if(best_traj->
cost_ == -1.0)
900 best_traj->
cost_ = 1.0;
908 geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& global_vel, geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& drive_velocities) {
910 Eigen::Vector3f pos(global_pose.pose.position.x, global_pose.pose.position.y, tf2::getYaw(global_pose.pose.orientation));
911 Eigen::Vector3f vel(global_vel.pose.position.x, global_vel.pose.position.y, tf2::getYaw(global_vel.pose.orientation));
926 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < footprint_list.
size(); ++i) {
927 path_map_(footprint_list[i].x, footprint_list[i].y).within_robot =
"Path/Goal distance computed");
937 vel[0], vel[1], vel[2],
"Trajectories created");
967 drive_velocities.pose.position.x = 0;
968 drive_velocities.pose.position.y = 0;
969 drive_velocities.pose.position.z = 0;
970 drive_velocities.pose.orientation.w = 1;
971 drive_velocities.pose.orientation.x = 0;
972 drive_velocities.pose.orientation.y = 0;
973 drive_velocities.pose.orientation.z = 0;
976 drive_velocities.pose.position.x = best.
977 drive_velocities.pose.position.y = best.
978 drive_velocities.pose.position.z = 0;
981 tf2::convert(q, drive_velocities.pose.orientation);