Source: index.js

import { hostname } from 'os'
import { EventEmitter2 } from 'eventemitter2'
import ROSLIB from 'roslib'

// Private variables
const host = hostname() || 'localhost'
const defaultUrl = `ws://${host}:9090`

// reconnect timeout in ms

class AutoRos extends EventEmitter2 {
   * Auto reconnecting wrapper of ROSLIB.Ros
   * @param {Object} [options]
   * @param {number} [options.reconnectTimeOut=5000] - The reconnect timeout in ms.
   * @param {Object} [options.rosOptions] - Option object passed to the constructor of the ROSLIB.Ros object.
   * @param {string} [options.rosOptions.encoding=ascii] - Overruling the default of ROSLIB, which is 'utf8'.
  constructor (options) {

    options = options || {}
    this._reconnectTimeOut = options.reconnectTimeOut || RECONNECT_TIMEOUT

    var rosOptions = options.rosOptions || {}
    rosOptions.encoding = rosOptions.encoding || 'ascii'

    if ('url' in rosOptions)
      throw '"url" option to ROS is not allowed. Connect by calling the connect function on this object with the "url" as argument'

    console.debug('Creating ROS with the options:', rosOptions)

    this.ros = new ROSLIB.Ros(rosOptions)

    this._status = 'closed'

    this.ros.on('connection', this.onConnection.bind(this))
    this.ros.on('close', this.onClose.bind(this))
    this.ros.on('error', this.onError.bind(this))

   * Status getter
  get status () {
    return this._status

   * Status setter
   * @param {string} value - Value to be set
  set status (value) {
    this._status = value
    this.emit('status', value)

   * Connect to rosbridge
   * If an url is provided, it will connect to that one. Else it will
   * use the previous url. Uses a url based on the hostname if no urls
   * are provided.
  connect (url) {
    this.url = url || this.url || defaultUrl

    console.log(`connecting to ${this.url}`)
    this.status = 'connecting'

  // ros status event handling
   * Event Callback on 'connection'
  onConnection () {
    this.status = 'connected'

   * Event Callback on 'close'
  onClose () {
    setTimeout(this.connect.bind(this), this._reconnectTimeOut)
    console.log('connection closed')
    this.status = 'closed'

   * Event Callback on 'error'
  onError () {
    // console.log('connection error')
    this.status = 'error'

export default AutoRos