This is the complete list of members for rgbd::ClientROSBase, including all inherited members.
cam_model_ | rgbd::ClientROSBase | protected |
camInfoCallback(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &cam_info_msg) | rgbd::ClientROSBase | protected |
ClientROSBase(ros::NodeHandle nh) | rgbd::ClientROSBase | |
deinitialize() | rgbd::ClientROSBase | |
image_ptr_ | rgbd::ClientROSBase | protected |
imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &rgb_image_msg, const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &depth_image_msg) | rgbd::ClientROSBase | protected |
initialize(const std::string &rgb_image_topic, const std::string &depth_image_topic, const std::string &cam_info_topic) | rgbd::ClientROSBase | |
initialized() | rgbd::ClientROSBase | inline |
new_image_ | rgbd::ClientROSBase | protected |
nh_ | rgbd::ClientROSBase | protected |
sub_cam_info_ | rgbd::ClientROSBase | protected |
sub_depth_sync_ | rgbd::ClientROSBase | protected |
sub_rgb_sync_ | rgbd::ClientROSBase | protected |
sync_ | rgbd::ClientROSBase | protected |
~ClientROSBase() | rgbd::ClientROSBase | virtual |