Welcome to Orocos KDL python bindings’s documentation!

Overview of all available classes and functions for the Orocos KDL python bindings. This documentation is autogenerated and only shows the API of all functions. Please refer to http://www.orocos.org/kdl/user-manual or to the C++ API documentation at http://docs.ros.org/api/orocos_kdl/html/ for more documentation.

Indices and tables

Orocos KDL Python wrapper

PyKDL.Add(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. Add(src1: PyKDL.JntArray, src2: PyKDL.JntArray, dest: PyKDL.JntArray) -> None

  2. Add(src1: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, src2: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, dest: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) -> None

  3. Add(src1: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, src2: PyKDL.JntArray, dest: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) -> None

  4. Add(src1: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix, src2: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix, dest: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix) -> None

class PyKDL.Chain
addChain(self: PyKDL.Chain, chain: PyKDL.Chain) None
addSegment(self: PyKDL.Chain, segment: PyKDL.Segment) None
getNrOfJoints(self: PyKDL.Chain) int
getNrOfSegments(self: PyKDL.Chain) int
getSegment(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getSegment(self: PyKDL.Chain, index: int) -> PyKDL.Segment

  2. getSegment(self: PyKDL.Chain, index: int) -> PyKDL.Segment

class PyKDL.ChainDynParam
JntToCoriolis(self: PyKDL.ChainDynParam, q: PyKDL.JntArray, q_dot: PyKDL.JntArray, coriolis: PyKDL.JntArray) int
JntToGravity(self: PyKDL.ChainDynParam, q: PyKDL.JntArray, gravity: PyKDL.JntArray) int
JntToMass(self: PyKDL.ChainDynParam, q: PyKDL.JntArray, H: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix) int
class PyKDL.ChainFkSolverPos
JntToCart(self: PyKDL.ChainFkSolverPos, q_in: PyKDL.JntArray, p_out: PyKDL.Frame, segmentNr: int = -1) int
class PyKDL.ChainFkSolverPos_recursive
class PyKDL.ChainFkSolverVel
JntToCart(self: PyKDL.ChainFkSolverVel, q_in: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, p_out: PyKDL.FrameVel, segmentNr: int = -1) int
class PyKDL.ChainFkSolverVel_recursive
class PyKDL.ChainIdSolver
CartToJnt(self: PyKDL.ChainIdSolver, q: PyKDL.JntArray, q_dot: PyKDL.JntArray, q_dot_dot: PyKDL.JntArray, f_ext: list[PyKDL.Wrench], torques: PyKDL.JntArray) int
class PyKDL.ChainIdSolver_RNE
class PyKDL.ChainIkSolverPos
CartToJnt(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverPos, q_init: PyKDL.JntArray, p_in: PyKDL.Frame, q_out: PyKDL.JntArray) int
class PyKDL.ChainIkSolverPos_LMA
class PyKDL.ChainIkSolverPos_NR
class PyKDL.ChainIkSolverPos_NR_JL
class PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel
CartToJnt(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel, q_in: PyKDL.JntArray, v_in: PyKDL.Twist, q_dot_out: PyKDL.JntArray) int
class PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_pinv
class PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_givens
class PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_nso
getAlpha(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_nso) float
getOptPos(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_nso) PyKDL.JntArray
getWeights(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_nso) PyKDL.JntArray
setAlpha(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_nso, alpha: float) int
setOptPos(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_nso, opt_pos: PyKDL.JntArray) int
setWeights(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_pinv_nso, weights: PyKDL.JntArray) int
class PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls
getEps(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls) float
getLambda(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls) float
getLambdaScaled(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls) float
getNrZeroSigmas(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls) int
getSVDResult(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls) int
getSigma(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls, sigma_out: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, 1]]) int
getSigmaMin(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls) float
setEps(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls, eps: float) None
setLambda(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls, lambda: float) None
setMaxIter(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls, max_iter: int) None
setWeightJS(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls, matrix: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]]) int
setWeightTS(self: PyKDL.ChainIkSolverVel_wdls, matrix: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]]) int
class PyKDL.ChainJntToJacDotSolver
JntToJacDot(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. JntToJacDot(self: PyKDL.ChainJntToJacDotSolver, q_in: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, jdot: PyKDL.Jacobian, seg_nr: int = -1) -> int

  2. JntToJacDot(self: PyKDL.ChainJntToJacDotSolver, q_in: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, jac_dot_q_dot: PyKDL.Twist, seg_nr: int = -1) -> int

setBodyFixedRepresentation(self: PyKDL.ChainJntToJacDotSolver) None
setHybridRepresentation(self: PyKDL.ChainJntToJacDotSolver) None
setInertialRepresentation(self: PyKDL.ChainJntToJacDotSolver) None
setLockedJoints(self: PyKDL.ChainJntToJacDotSolver, locked_joints: list[bool]) int
setRepresentation(self: PyKDL.ChainJntToJacDotSolver, representation: int) None
class PyKDL.ChainJntToJacSolver
JntToJac(self: PyKDL.ChainJntToJacSolver, q_in: PyKDL.JntArray, jac: PyKDL.Jacobian, seg_nr: int = -1) int
setLockedJoints(self: PyKDL.ChainJntToJacSolver, locked_joints: list[bool]) int
PyKDL.Divide(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. Divide(src: PyKDL.JntArray, factor: float, dest: PyKDL.JntArray) -> None

  2. Divide(src: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, factor: float, dest: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) -> None

  3. Divide(src: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, factor: PyKDL.doubleVel, dest: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) -> None

  4. Divide(src: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix, factor: float, dest: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix) -> None

PyKDL.Equal(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. Equal(a: PyKDL.Vector, b: PyKDL.Vector, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  2. Equal(a: PyKDL.Wrench, b: PyKDL.Wrench, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  3. Equal(a: PyKDL.Twist, b: PyKDL.Twist, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  4. Equal(a: PyKDL.Rotation, b: PyKDL.Rotation, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  5. Equal(a: PyKDL.Frame, b: PyKDL.Frame, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  6. Equal(r1: PyKDL.doubleVel, r2: PyKDL.doubleVel, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  7. Equal(r1: PyKDL.VectorVel, r2: PyKDL.VectorVel, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  8. Equal(r1: PyKDL.Vector, r2: PyKDL.VectorVel, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  9. Equal(r1: PyKDL.VectorVel, r2: PyKDL.Vector, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  10. Equal(a: PyKDL.TwistVel, b: PyKDL.TwistVel, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  11. Equal(a: PyKDL.Twist, b: PyKDL.TwistVel, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  12. Equal(a: PyKDL.TwistVel, b: PyKDL.Twist, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  13. Equal(r1: PyKDL.RotationVel, r2: PyKDL.RotationVel, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  14. Equal(r1: PyKDL.Rotation, r2: PyKDL.RotationVel, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  15. Equal(r1: PyKDL.RotationVel, r2: PyKDL.Rotation, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  16. Equal(r1: PyKDL.FrameVel, r2: PyKDL.FrameVel, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  17. Equal(r1: PyKDL.Frame, r2: PyKDL.FrameVel, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  18. Equal(r1: PyKDL.FrameVel, r2: PyKDL.Frame, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  19. Equal(src1: PyKDL.JntArray, src2: PyKDL.JntArray, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  20. Equal(src1: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, src2: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

  21. Equal(src1: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix, src2: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix, eps: float = 1e-06) -> bool

class PyKDL.Frame
static DH(a: float, alpha: float, d: float, theta: float) PyKDL.Frame
static DH_Craig1989(a: float, alpha: float, d: float, theta: float) PyKDL.Frame
static Identity() PyKDL.Frame
Integrate(self: PyKDL.Frame, twist: PyKDL.Twist, sample_frequency: float) None
Inverse(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. Inverse(self: PyKDL.Frame) -> PyKDL.Frame

  2. Inverse(self: PyKDL.Frame, arg0: PyKDL.Vector) -> PyKDL.Vector

  3. Inverse(self: PyKDL.Frame, arg0: PyKDL.Wrench) -> PyKDL.Wrench

  4. Inverse(self: PyKDL.Frame, arg0: PyKDL.Twist) -> PyKDL.Twist

property M
property p
class PyKDL.FrameVel
GetFrame(self: PyKDL.FrameVel) PyKDL.Frame
GetTwist(self: PyKDL.FrameVel) PyKDL.Twist
static Identity() PyKDL.FrameVel
Inverse(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. Inverse(self: PyKDL.FrameVel) -> PyKDL.FrameVel

  2. Inverse(self: PyKDL.FrameVel, arg0: PyKDL.VectorVel) -> PyKDL.VectorVel

  3. Inverse(self: PyKDL.FrameVel, arg0: PyKDL.Vector) -> PyKDL.VectorVel

  4. Inverse(self: PyKDL.FrameVel, arg0: PyKDL.TwistVel) -> PyKDL.TwistVel

  5. Inverse(self: PyKDL.FrameVel, arg0: PyKDL.Twist) -> PyKDL.TwistVel

property M
deriv(self: PyKDL.FrameVel) PyKDL.Twist
property p
value(self: PyKDL.FrameVel) PyKDL.Frame
class PyKDL.Jacobian
changeBase(self: PyKDL.Jacobian, rot: PyKDL.Rotation) None
changeRefFrame(self: PyKDL.Jacobian, frame: PyKDL.Frame) None
changeRefPoint(self: PyKDL.Jacobian, base: PyKDL.Vector) None
columns(self: PyKDL.Jacobian) int
getColumn(self: PyKDL.Jacobian, index: int) PyKDL.Twist
resize(self: PyKDL.Jacobian, nr_columns: int) None
rows(self: PyKDL.Jacobian) int
setColumn(self: PyKDL.Jacobian, index: int, t: PyKDL.Twist) None
class PyKDL.JntArray
columns(self: PyKDL.JntArray) int
resize(self: PyKDL.JntArray, size: int) None
rows(self: PyKDL.JntArray) int
class PyKDL.JntArrayVel
deriv(self: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) PyKDL.JntArray
property q
property qdot
resize(self: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, size: int) None
value(self: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) PyKDL.JntArray
class PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix
columns(self: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix) int
resize(self: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix, new_size: int) None
rows(self: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix) int
class PyKDL.Joint
Fixed = <JointType.Fixed: 8>
JointAxis(self: PyKDL.Joint) PyKDL.Vector
JointOrigin(self: PyKDL.Joint) PyKDL.Vector
class JointType











Fixed = <JointType.Fixed: 8>
RotAxis = <JointType.RotAxis: 0>
RotX = <JointType.RotX: 1>
RotY = <JointType.RotY: 2>
RotZ = <JointType.RotZ: 3>
TransAxis = <JointType.TransAxis: 4>
TransX = <JointType.TransX: 5>
TransY = <JointType.TransY: 6>
TransZ = <JointType.TransZ: 7>
property name
property value
RotAxis = <JointType.RotAxis: 0>
RotX = <JointType.RotX: 1>
RotY = <JointType.RotY: 2>
RotZ = <JointType.RotZ: 3>
TransAxis = <JointType.TransAxis: 4>
TransX = <JointType.TransX: 5>
TransY = <JointType.TransY: 6>
TransZ = <JointType.TransZ: 7>
getName(self: PyKDL.Joint) str
getType(self: PyKDL.Joint) PyKDL.Joint.JointType
getTypeName(self: PyKDL.Joint) str
pose(self: PyKDL.Joint, q: float) PyKDL.Frame
twist(self: PyKDL.Joint, q_dot: float) PyKDL.Twist
PyKDL.Multiply(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. Multiply(src: PyKDL.JntArray, factor: float, dest: PyKDL.JntArray) -> None

  2. Multiply(src: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, factor: float, dest: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) -> None

  3. Multiply(src: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, factor: PyKDL.doubleVel, dest: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) -> None

  4. Multiply(src: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix, factor: float, dest: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix) -> None

  5. Multiply(src: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix, vec: PyKDL.JntArray, dest: PyKDL.JntArray) -> None

PyKDL.MultiplyJacobian(jac: PyKDL.Jacobian, src: PyKDL.JntArray, dest: PyKDL.Twist) None
class PyKDL.RigidBodyInertia
RefPoint(self: PyKDL.RigidBodyInertia, p: PyKDL.Vector) PyKDL.RigidBodyInertia
static Zero() PyKDL.RigidBodyInertia
getCOG(self: PyKDL.RigidBodyInertia) PyKDL.Vector
getMass(self: PyKDL.RigidBodyInertia) float
getRotationalInertia(self: PyKDL.RigidBodyInertia) PyKDL.RotationalInertia
class PyKDL.Rotation
DoRotX(self: PyKDL.Rotation, angle: float) None
DoRotY(self: PyKDL.Rotation, angle: float) None
DoRotZ(self: PyKDL.Rotation, angle: float) None
static EulerZYX(alpha: float, beta: float, gamma: float) PyKDL.Rotation
static EulerZYZ(alpha: float, beta: float, gamma: float) PyKDL.Rotation
GetEulerZYX(self: PyKDL.Rotation) tuple
GetEulerZYZ(self: PyKDL.Rotation) tuple
GetQuaternion(self: PyKDL.Rotation) tuple
GetRPY(self: PyKDL.Rotation) tuple
GetRot(self: PyKDL.Rotation) PyKDL.Vector
GetRotAngle(self: PyKDL.Rotation, eps: float = 1e-06) tuple
static Identity() PyKDL.Rotation
Inverse(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. Inverse(self: PyKDL.Rotation) -> PyKDL.Rotation

  2. Inverse(self: PyKDL.Rotation, arg0: PyKDL.Vector) -> PyKDL.Vector

  3. Inverse(self: PyKDL.Rotation, arg0: PyKDL.Wrench) -> PyKDL.Wrench

  4. Inverse(self: PyKDL.Rotation, arg0: PyKDL.Twist) -> PyKDL.Twist

static Quaternion(x: float, y: float, z: float, w: float) PyKDL.Rotation
static RPY(roll: float, pitch: float, yaw: float) PyKDL.Rotation
static Rot(rotvec: PyKDL.Vector, angle: float) PyKDL.Rotation
static Rot2(rotvec: PyKDL.Vector, angle: float) PyKDL.Rotation
static RotX(angle: float) PyKDL.Rotation
static RotY(angle: float) PyKDL.Rotation
static RotZ(angle: float) PyKDL.Rotation
SetInverse(self: PyKDL.Rotation) None
UnitX(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. UnitX(self: PyKDL.Rotation) -> PyKDL.Vector

  2. UnitX(self: PyKDL.Rotation, vec: PyKDL.Vector) -> None

UnitY(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. UnitY(self: PyKDL.Rotation) -> PyKDL.Vector

  2. UnitY(self: PyKDL.Rotation, vec: PyKDL.Vector) -> None

UnitZ(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. UnitZ(self: PyKDL.Rotation) -> PyKDL.Vector

  2. UnitZ(self: PyKDL.Rotation, vec: PyKDL.Vector) -> None

class PyKDL.RotationVel
DoRotX(self: PyKDL.RotationVel, angle: PyKDL.doubleVel) None
DoRotY(self: PyKDL.RotationVel, angle: PyKDL.doubleVel) None
DoRotZ(self: PyKDL.RotationVel, angle: PyKDL.doubleVel) None
static Identity() PyKDL.RotationVel
Inverse(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. Inverse(self: PyKDL.RotationVel) -> PyKDL.RotationVel

  2. Inverse(self: PyKDL.RotationVel, arg0: PyKDL.VectorVel) -> PyKDL.VectorVel

  3. Inverse(self: PyKDL.RotationVel, arg0: PyKDL.Vector) -> PyKDL.VectorVel

  4. Inverse(self: PyKDL.RotationVel, arg0: PyKDL.TwistVel) -> PyKDL.TwistVel

  5. Inverse(self: PyKDL.RotationVel, arg0: PyKDL.Twist) -> PyKDL.TwistVel

property R
static Rot(rotvec: PyKDL.Vector, angle: PyKDL.doubleVel) PyKDL.RotationVel
static Rot2(rotvec: PyKDL.Vector, angle: PyKDL.doubleVel) PyKDL.RotationVel
static RotX(angle: PyKDL.doubleVel) PyKDL.RotationVel
static RotY(angle: PyKDL.doubleVel) PyKDL.RotationVel
static RotZ(angle: PyKDL.doubleVel) PyKDL.RotationVel
UnitX(self: PyKDL.RotationVel) PyKDL.VectorVel
UnitY(self: PyKDL.RotationVel) PyKDL.VectorVel
UnitZ(self: PyKDL.RotationVel) PyKDL.VectorVel
deriv(self: PyKDL.RotationVel) PyKDL.Vector
value(self: PyKDL.RotationVel) PyKDL.Rotation
property w
class PyKDL.RotationalInertia
static Zero() PyKDL.RotationalInertia
class PyKDL.Segment
getFrameToTip(self: PyKDL.Segment) PyKDL.Frame
getInertia(self: PyKDL.Segment) PyKDL.RigidBodyInertia
getJoint(self: PyKDL.Segment) PyKDL.Joint
getName(self: PyKDL.Segment) str
pose(self: PyKDL.Segment, q: float) PyKDL.Frame
setInertia(self: PyKDL.Segment, I_in: PyKDL.RigidBodyInertia) None
twist(self: PyKDL.Segment, q: float, q_dot: float) PyKDL.Twist
PyKDL.SetToZero(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. SetToZero(vector: PyKDL.Vector) -> None

  2. SetToZero(wrench: PyKDL.Wrench) -> None

  3. SetToZero(twist: PyKDL.Twist) -> None

  4. SetToZero(vector_vel: PyKDL.VectorVel) -> None

  5. SetToZero(twist_vel: PyKDL.TwistVel) -> None

  6. SetToZero(jac: PyKDL.Jacobian) -> None

  7. SetToZero(jnt_array: PyKDL.JntArray) -> None

  8. SetToZero(jnt_array_vel: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) -> None

  9. SetToZero(matrix: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix) -> None

class PyKDL.SolverI
getError(self: PyKDL.SolverI) int
strError(self: PyKDL.SolverI, error: int) str
updateInternalDataStructures(self: PyKDL.SolverI) None
PyKDL.Subtract(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. Subtract(src1: PyKDL.JntArray, src2: PyKDL.JntArray, dest: PyKDL.JntArray) -> None

  2. Subtract(src1: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, src2: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, dest: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) -> None

  3. Subtract(src1: PyKDL.JntArrayVel, src2: PyKDL.JntArray, dest: PyKDL.JntArrayVel) -> None

  4. Subtract(src1: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix, src2: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix, dest: PyKDL.JntSpaceInertiaMatrix) -> None

class PyKDL.Tree
addChain(self: PyKDL.Tree, chain: PyKDL.Chain, hook_name: str) bool
addSegment(self: PyKDL.Tree, segment: PyKDL.Segment, hook_name: str) bool
addTree(self: PyKDL.Tree, tree: PyKDL.Tree, hook_name: str) bool
getChain(self: PyKDL.Tree, chain_root: str, chain_tip: str) PyKDL.Chain
getNrOfJoints(self: PyKDL.Tree) int
getNrOfSegments(self: PyKDL.Tree) int
class PyKDL.Twist
RefPoint(self: PyKDL.Twist, base: PyKDL.Vector) PyKDL.Twist
ReverseSign(self: PyKDL.Twist) None
static Zero() PyKDL.Twist
property rot
property vel
class PyKDL.TwistVel
GetTwist(self: PyKDL.TwistVel) PyKDL.Twist
GetTwistDot(self: PyKDL.TwistVel) PyKDL.Twist
RefPoint(self: PyKDL.TwistVel, base: PyKDL.VectorVel) PyKDL.TwistVel
ReverseSign(self: PyKDL.TwistVel) None
static Zero() PyKDL.TwistVel
deriv(self: PyKDL.TwistVel) PyKDL.Twist
property rot
value(self: PyKDL.TwistVel) PyKDL.Twist
property vel
class PyKDL.Vector
Norm(self: PyKDL.Vector, eps: float = 1e-06) float
Normalize(self: PyKDL.Vector, eps: float = 1e-06) float
ReverseSign(self: PyKDL.Vector) None
static Zero() PyKDL.Vector
x(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. x(self: PyKDL.Vector, value: float) -> None

  2. x(self: PyKDL.Vector) -> float

y(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. y(self: PyKDL.Vector, value: float) -> None

  2. y(self: PyKDL.Vector) -> float

z(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. z(self: PyKDL.Vector, value: float) -> None

  2. z(self: PyKDL.Vector) -> float

class PyKDL.VectorVel
Norm(self: PyKDL.VectorVel, eps: float = 1e-06) PyKDL.doubleVel
ReverseSign(self: PyKDL.VectorVel) None
static Zero() PyKDL.VectorVel
deriv(self: PyKDL.VectorVel) PyKDL.Vector
property p
property v
value(self: PyKDL.VectorVel) PyKDL.Vector
class PyKDL.Wrench
RefPoint(self: PyKDL.Wrench, base: PyKDL.Vector) PyKDL.Wrench
ReverseSign(self: PyKDL.Wrench) None
static Zero() PyKDL.Wrench
property force
property torque
PyKDL.addDelta(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. addDelta(a: PyKDL.Vector, da: PyKDL.Vector, dt: float = 1) -> PyKDL.Vector

  2. addDelta(a: PyKDL.Rotation, da: PyKDL.Vector, dt: float = 1) -> PyKDL.Rotation

  3. addDelta(a: PyKDL.Frame, da: PyKDL.Twist, dt: float = 1) -> PyKDL.Frame

  4. addDelta(a: PyKDL.Twist, da: PyKDL.Twist, dt: float = 1) -> PyKDL.Twist

  5. addDelta(a: PyKDL.Wrench, da: PyKDL.Wrench, dt: float = 1) -> PyKDL.Wrench

  6. addDelta(a: PyKDL.doubleVel, da: PyKDL.doubleVel, dt: float = 1.0) -> PyKDL.doubleVel

  7. addDelta(a: PyKDL.VectorVel, da: PyKDL.VectorVel, dt: float = 1.0) -> PyKDL.VectorVel

  8. addDelta(a: PyKDL.RotationVel, da: PyKDL.VectorVel, dt: float = 1.0) -> PyKDL.RotationVel

  9. addDelta(a: PyKDL.FrameVel, da: PyKDL.TwistVel, dt: float = 1.0) -> PyKDL.FrameVel

PyKDL.changeBase(src: PyKDL.Jacobian, rot: PyKDL.Rotation, dest: PyKDL.Jacobian) bool
PyKDL.changeRefFrame(src: PyKDL.Jacobian, frame: PyKDL.Frame, dest: PyKDL.Jacobian) bool
PyKDL.changeRefPoint(src: PyKDL.Jacobian, base: PyKDL.Vector, dest: PyKDL.Jacobian) bool
PyKDL.diff(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. diff(a: PyKDL.Vector, b: PyKDL.Vector, dt: float = 1) -> PyKDL.Vector

  2. diff(a: PyKDL.Rotation, b: PyKDL.Rotation, dt: float = 1) -> PyKDL.Vector

  3. diff(a: PyKDL.Frame, b: PyKDL.Frame, dt: float = 1) -> PyKDL.Twist

  4. diff(a: PyKDL.Twist, b: PyKDL.Twist, dt: float = 1) -> PyKDL.Twist

  5. diff(a: PyKDL.Wrench, b: PyKDL.Wrench, dt: float = 1) -> PyKDL.Wrench

  6. diff(a: PyKDL.doubleVel, b: PyKDL.doubleVel, dt: float = 1.0) -> PyKDL.doubleVel

  7. diff(a: PyKDL.VectorVel, b: PyKDL.VectorVel, dt: float = 1.0) -> PyKDL.VectorVel

  8. diff(a: PyKDL.RotationVel, b: PyKDL.RotationVel, dt: float = 1.0) -> PyKDL.VectorVel

  9. diff(a: PyKDL.FrameVel, b: PyKDL.FrameVel, dt: float = 1.0) -> PyKDL.TwistVel

PyKDL.dot(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. dot(arg0: PyKDL.Vector, arg1: PyKDL.Vector) -> float

  2. dot(arg0: PyKDL.Twist, arg1: PyKDL.Wrench) -> float

  3. dot(arg0: PyKDL.Wrench, arg1: PyKDL.Twist) -> float

  4. dot(arg0: PyKDL.VectorVel, arg1: PyKDL.VectorVel) -> PyKDL.doubleVel

  5. dot(arg0: PyKDL.VectorVel, arg1: PyKDL.Vector) -> PyKDL.doubleVel

  6. dot(arg0: PyKDL.Vector, arg1: PyKDL.VectorVel) -> PyKDL.doubleVel

class PyKDL.doubleVel
deriv(self: PyKDL.doubleVel) float
property grad
property t
value(self: PyKDL.doubleVel) float