Common base class for all non-exit exceptions. |
Module Contents¶
- image_recognition_skybiometry.face_client.API_HOST = ''¶
- image_recognition_skybiometry.face_client.USE_SSL = True¶
- class image_recognition_skybiometry.face_client.FaceClient(api_key=None, api_secret=None)[source]¶
- api_key = None¶
- api_secret = None¶
- format = 'json'¶
- twitter_credentials = None¶
- facebook_credentials = None¶
- faces_detect(urls=None, file_=None, buffer_=None, aggressive=False)[source]¶
Returns tags for detected faces in one or more photos, with geometric information of the tag, eyes, nose and mouth, as well as the gender, glasses, and smiling attributes.
- faces_status(uids=None, namespace=None)[source]¶
Reports training set status for the specified UIDs.
- faces_recognize(uids=None, urls=None, files_=None, buffers_=None, aggressive=False, train=None, namespace=None)[source]¶
Attempts to detect and recognize one or more user IDs’ faces, in one or more photos. For each detected face, the SkyBiometry engine will return the most likely user IDs, or empty result for unrecognized faces. In addition, each tag includes a threshold score - any score below this number is considered a low-probability hit.
- faces_train(uids=None, namespace=None)[source]¶
Calls the training procedure for the specified UIDs, and reports back changes.
- tags_get(uids=None, urls=None, pids=None, order='recent', limit=5, together=False, filters=None, namespace=None)[source]¶
Returns saved tags in one or more photos, or for the specified User ID(s). This method also accepts multiple filters for finding tags corresponding to a more specific criteria such as front-facing, recent, or where two or more users appear together in same photos.
- tags_add(url=None, x=None, y=None, width=None, uid=None, tagger_id=None, label=None, password=None)[source]¶
Add a (manual) face tag to a photo. Use this method to add face tags where those were not detected for completeness of your service.
- tags_save(tids=None, uid=None, tagger_id=None, label=None, password=None)[source]¶
Saves a face tag. Use this method to save tags for training the index, or for future use of the faces.detect and tags.get methods.
- account_limits()[source]¶
Returns current rate limits for the account represented by the passed API key and Secret.
- account_users(namespaces=None)[source]¶
Returns current rate limits for the account represented by the passed API key and Secret.
- account_namespaces()[source]¶
Returns all valid data namespaces for user authorized by specified API key.
- __check_user_auth_credentials(uids)¶
- __append_user_auth_data(data, facebook_uids, twitter_uids)¶
- static __append_optional_arguments(data, **kwargs)¶