Source code for ed.world_model

from typing import Iterable, List, Optional

import traceback

from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped
import rospy
import PyKDL as kdl
from pykdl_ros import VectorStamped, FrameStamped
import tf2_ros

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import tf2_geometry_msgs

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import tf2_pykdl_ros

from ed_msgs.srv import Configure, SimpleQuery, SimpleQueryRequest, UpdateSrv, Reset

from .entity import Entity, from_entity_info

[docs]class WM: def __init__(self, tf_buffer=None, ns: str = None): if tf_buffer is None: self.tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self._tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer) else: self.tf_buffer = tf_buffer if ns is None: prefix = "" else: prefix = f"/{ns}/" self._ed_simple_query_srv = self.create_service_client(f"{prefix}ed/simple_query", SimpleQuery) self._ed_update_srv = self.create_service_client(f"{prefix}ed/update", UpdateSrv) self._ed_configure_srv = self.create_service_client(f"{prefix}ed/configure", Configure) self._ed_reset_srv = self.create_service_client(f"{prefix}ed/reset", Reset)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_service_client(name: str, srv_type: type): """ Creates a service client :param name: string with the name of the service in the correct namespace :param srv_type: service type :return: the service client """ return rospy.ServiceProxy(name, srv_type)
[docs] def get_entities( self, center_point: VectorStamped, etype: str = "", radius: float = float("inf"), uuid: str = "", ignore_z: bool = False, ) -> List[Entity]: """ Get entities via Simple Query interface :param etype: Type of entity :param center_point: Point from which radius is measured :param radius: Distance between center_point and entity :param uuid: uuid of entity :param ignore_z: Consider only the distance in the X,Y plane for the radius from center_point """ center_point_in_map = self.tf_buffer.transform(center_point, "map") query = SimpleQueryRequest( id=uuid, type=etype, center_point=tf2_ros.convert(center_point_in_map, PointStamped).point, radius=radius, ignore_z=ignore_z, ) try: entity_infos = self._ed_simple_query_srv(query).entities entities = list(map(from_entity_info, entity_infos)) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr( f"get_entities(uuid={uuid}, type={etype}, center_point={center_point}, radius={radius}, " f"ignore_z={ignore_z})\n{e}, " f"{traceback.format_exc()}" ) return [] return entities
[docs] def get_closest_entity( self, center_point: VectorStamped, etype: str = "", radius: float = float("inf") ) -> Optional[Entity]: entities = self.get_entities(center_point=center_point, etype=etype, radius=radius) # HACK entities = [e for e in entities if e.shape is not None and e.etype != ""] if len(entities) == 0: return None # Sort by distance try: center_in_map = self.tf_buffer.transform(center_point, "map") entities = sorted(entities, key=lambda entity: entity.distance_to_2d(center_in_map.vector)) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr("Failed to sort entities: {}".format(e)) return None return entities[0]
[docs] def get_closest_room(self, center_point: VectorStamped, radius: float = float("inf")) -> Entity: return self.get_closest_entity(center_point=center_point, etype="room", radius=radius)
[docs] def get_entity(self, uuid: str) -> Optional[Entity]: entities = self.get_entities( uuid=uuid, center_point=VectorStamped(vector=kdl.Vector(), stamp=rospy.Time(), frame_id="map") ) if len(entities) == 0: rospy.logerr(f'Could not get_entity(uuid="{uuid}")') return None return entities[0]
[docs] def update_entity( self, uuid: str, etype: str = None, frame_stamped: FrameStamped = None, flags=None, add_flags: List[str] = None, remove_flags: List[str] = None, action: str = None, ) -> bool: """ Updates entity :param uuid: entity uuid :param etype: entity type :param frame_stamped: If specified, the entity is updated to be at this FrameStamped :param flags: (OBSOLETE, use add_flags and remove_flags): (list of) dict(s) containing key "add" or "remove" and value of the flag to set, e.g., "perception" :param add_flags: list of flags which will be added to the specified entity :param remove_flags: list of flags which will removed from the specified entity :param action: update_action, e.g. remove """ if add_flags is None: add_flags = [] if remove_flags is None: remove_flags = [] json_entity = f'"id" : "{uuid}"' if etype: json_entity += f', "type": "{etype}"' if action: json_entity += f', "action": "{action}"' if frame_stamped: if frame_stamped.header.frame_id != "/map" and frame_stamped.header.frame_id != "map": rospy.loginfo("update_entity: frame not in map, transforming") frame_stamped = self.tf_buffer.transform(frame_stamped, "map") Z, Y, X = frame_stamped.frame.M.GetEulerZYX() t = frame_stamped.frame.p json_entity += f', "pose": {{ "x": {t.x()}, "y": {t.y()}, "z": {t.z()}, "X": {X}, "Y": {Y}, "Z": {Z} }}' if flags or add_flags or remove_flags: json_entity += ', "flags": [' first = True if isinstance(flags, dict): flags = [flags] if isinstance(flags, list): for flag in flags: if not isinstance(flag, dict): rospy.logerr("update_entity: flags need to be a list of dicts or a dict") return False for k, v in flag.items(): if not first: json_entity += "," json_entity += f'{{"{k}": "{v}"}}' first = False for flag in add_flags: if not first: json_entity += "," json_entity += f'{{"add":"{flag}"}}' first = False for flag in remove_flags: if not first: json_entity += "," json_entity += f'{{"remove":"{flag}"}}' first = False json_entity += "]" json = f'{{"entities":[{{ {json_entity} }}]}}' rospy.logdebug(json) return self._ed_update_srv(request=json)
[docs] def remove_entity(self, uuid: str) -> bool: """ Removes entity with the provided uuid to the world model :param uuid: string with the uuid of the entity to remove """ return self.update_entity(uuid=uuid, action="remove")
[docs] def lock_entities(self, lock_ids: List[str], unlock_ids: List[str]): for uuid in lock_ids: self.update_entity(uuid=uuid, add_flags=["locked"]) for uuid in unlock_ids: self.update_entity(uuid=uuid, remove_flags=["locked"])
[docs] def get_closest_possible_person_entity( self, center_point: VectorStamped, radius: float = float("inf") ) -> Optional[Entity]: """ Returns the "possible_human" entity closest to a certain center point. :param center_point: Point indicating where the human should be close to; frame_id should be map :param radius: (float) radius to look for possible humans :return: (Entity) entity (if found), None otherwise """ assert center_point.header.frame_id.endswith("map"), "Other frame ids not yet implemented" # Get all entities entities = self.get_entities(etype="", center_point=center_point, radius=radius) # Filter on "possible humans" entities = [e for e in entities if e.is_a("possible_human")] # If nothing found, return None if len(entities) == 0: return None # Sort by distance try: entities = sorted(entities, key=lambda entity: entity.distance_to_2d(center_point.vector)) rospy.logdebug(f"entities sorted closest to robot = {entities}") except Exception as e: rospy.logerr("Failed to sort entities: {}".format(e)) return None return entities[0]
[docs] def get_full_uuid(self, short_uuid: str) -> Iterable[str]: """Get an entity"s full uuid based on the first characters of its uuid like you can do with git hashes""" all_entities = self.get_entities(VectorStamped(kdl.Vector(),, "map")) matches = filter(lambda fill_uuid: fill_uuid.startswith(short_uuid), [entity.uuid for entity in all_entities]) return matches