Source code for ed.utility

from typing import List

import rospy

from pykdl_ros import VectorStamped

from .entity import Entity
from .world_model import WM

[docs]def rooms_of_entity(wm: WM, entity: Entity) -> List[Entity]: """ Determine all rooms that the entity is in """ all_rooms = wm.get_entities(VectorStamped.from_xyz(0, 0, 0, rospy.Time(0), "map"), etype="room") rooms = [] entity_point = VectorStamped.from_framestamped(entity.pose) for room in all_rooms: if room.in_volume(entity_point, "in"): rooms.append(room) return rooms
[docs]def rooms_of_volume(wm: WM, entity: Entity, volume_id: str) -> List[Entity]: """ Determine all the rooms a volume of an entity is in """ all_rooms = wm.get_entities(VectorStamped.from_xyz(0, 0, 0, rospy.Time(0), "map"), etype="room") rooms = [] try: volume = entity.volumes[volume_id] volume_point = VectorStamped(volume.center_point, rospy.Time(0), entity.uuid) volume_point_in_map = wm.tf_buffer.transform(volume_point, "map") except KeyError as e: rospy.logerr(f"Entity({entity.uuid}) has not a volume with the name: {volume_id}\n{e}") return [] for room in all_rooms: if room.in_volume(volume_point_in_map, "in"): rooms.append(room) return rooms